Nourish Your Mind.

Create Your Tribe.

All for free.

You Are Not Alone.

139 Million

Adults have ADHD. Making ADHD one of the most common neuro-developmental disorders

170 Million

Children have ADHD. Affecting a child's development in all areas of life.  


Of people who participate in an ADHD support group report better ability to manage their ADHD.

The Vision

Ever face the challenge of finding community and support for your ADHD?

We have.

We’re a mixed-neurodiversity couple. One with ADHD and one without. And we’ve been creating an ADHD focused community called ADHDinner.

We’re on a mission to help one million people better understand ADHD. That’s one million dinner table conversations full of laughter, love and probably some tears about living with ADHD.

Come and join us! Invite your friends and family and build the community you want. Together we can break down barriers and transform life with ADHD!

Dan and Breon


Your Own

ADHDinner Club.

“Both my wife and I were relieved to meet, eat, drink, and laugh with folks in both of our specific situations as the diagnosed and the loved one. Thanks, ADHDinner.”

Josh - Cincinnati
34-year old with recent diagnosis

“Frustration and isolation quickly became empathy and camaraderie at ADHDinner. What a freeing thing it was to see how normal my experience as a partner to someone with ADHD was. ”

Deb - California
Wife of someone diagnosed with ADHD.

Being able to get an outside perspective about dealing with similar situations really unlocked a level of empathy and understanding we could not have reached on our own.”

Ben and Bre - Portland


  • ADHDinner is designed to be a targeted and fun support group for anyone who is diagnosed with ADHD or anyone who is in a close relationship with someone who has ADHD.

  • Expect to make new friends, feel seen, have an opportunity to share how ADHD has impacted your life. Also expect to enjoy great food and have an opportunity to learn something new about ADHD

  • It might sound obvious, but we need to say it, ADHDinner is not a substitute for guided professional medical advice to treat or diagnose ADHD. If you have questions or concerns about your own ADHD or someone you love, consult your doctor.

We’re on a mission to help one million people create ADHD focused community.